Essential Repairs And Renovations 2011

Renovations, Updates

June 10, 2011
Free Surgical Camp Essential Repairs

It is without a doubt that the conditions at St. Mary’s Mission Hospital since the British built it back in the 1800’s have deteriorated dramatically. Any patient used to the health care standards in the United State or Europe would simply be besides themselves if relegated to such conditions. While over the years certain limited upgrades have been made through generous donations, it is very clear that we will not be able to continue our work effectively or hygienically with out some much-needed repairs and upgrades.

Additionally, we find that with certain improvements St. Mary’s could find itself in a position to provide much needed medical services to the poor of Khammam in a consistent manner throughout the year. Our services could encompass much more comprehensive testing, and outpatient and dental care. As it stands today the facility is simply not in any condition to sustain such traffic nor is it any place to recruit willing physicians. However, the need is most certainly there!

After close inspection of the facilities including the clinic, operating room, pre-op and post-op facilities, pharmacy and lab, our team has identified a list of improvements that frankly with not much money by US health care standards would make the conditions far more improved.


These include:

  • Installation of floor tiles in examining rooms, pharmacy, xray room, dentist room, lab, clinic and post-op.
  • Installation of wall tiles in examining rooms, pharmacy, xray room, lab, dentist room, clinic and post-op.
  • Installation of false ceiling tiles and lighting in examining rooms, pharmacy, xray room, testing room, dentist room
  • Replacement of rotting windows and doors.
  • Fresh coat of paint
  • Installation of new wiring and lighting in pre-op and operating rooms.
  • New examining tables, new blood drawing equipment and new testing equipment.

We are working very closely with our local friends in Khammam to put together an exact list and budget and thus far feel that we can complete most of this work for less than $50,000 and would like to get it completed over this summer. We are actively seeking donations to help in this effort and would most appreciate any financial help that you might offer.

Please donate and help today!